University: Technical University of Košice
Faculty: Faculty of Economics
Department: Department of Finance
Course Number: 35000405 Course Name: Financial management and control
Type, scope and method of learning activities:
Course Type: Lecture, Seminar
Recommended scope of the course content (in hours):
Full-time study (hours per week): -
Part-time study (hours per semester): WT 2,2
Study Method:
Number of credits: 5
Recommended semester of study: WT
Recommended semester Study programme Study grade Study Method
1.rok WT Economics and Management of Public Administration (EaMVS_Ing_D_en) Master Attendance
Level of study: Master
Course completion requirements:
Assessment and completion of the course: Credit test and examination
Continuous assessment: Student passes the continuous assessment and receives credits when he or she meets the requirement to obtain at least 13% out of 25%.
Continuous assessment (25%) consists of a written test.
Final assessment: Student passes the final assessment and passes the examination when he or she meets the requirement to obtain at least 38% out of 75%.
The final evaluation (75%) is a written test (via Moodle) that maps students' comprehensive knowledge of financial management and control and their orientation in the field.
Overall assessment: Overall assessment is the sum of the assessments obtained by students in the assessment period. The overall result is determined in accordance with the internal regulations of the Technical University in Košice. (Study Regulations, the internal regulation principles of doctoral studies)
Learning outcomes:
Clarify the basic roles of managers in the process of financial management in public administration. Understand financial control as an important part of financial management.
To acquaint students with the methods and procedures of control work, the control system of public administration, the objectives of financial control.
Acquire control procedures, focus on control activities performed as basic, administrative financial control and financial control on the spot. As well as the ex-post financial control procedures.
Practical application procedure of all types of FK.
Pay attention also to the documents used in the performance of control, control standards and modern approaches to the control of public expenditure.
Public administration control system - structure of bodies and organizations operating in the control system of the Slovak Republic. Definition of the legislative area of ​​control.
INTOSAI Control Standards, European Implementing Guidelines for INTOSAI Control Standards.
Knowledge (i)
Explain the procedures of financial management in increasing the efficiency of management of financial resources in public administration.
Understand the role of financial management and control in ensuring economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the management of public finances.
Know the practical procedure of performing basic financial control for any financial operation in a public administration entity.
To know the procedure of performing administrative financial control and financial control on the spot in the subject of public sector.
Know the procedure of control performed by professional controllers in public administration.
Have an overview of the financial control system in the Slovak Republic.
Skills (ii)
Apply financial management and decision-making procedures in public administration in practice. To be able to apply basic control techniques in practice. To be able to practically perform basic financial control for any financial operation in a public administration entity. Ensure economical, efficient, effective and effective implementation of the financial operation or part thereof.
Verify compliance with the conditions for the provision and use of public funds.
Competences (iii)
Based on the acquired knowledge and skills, he will be competent to make the right decision in solving the problem in practice. He is able to work in a team, to participate in the management and fulfillment of the intentions and goals of a public administration body. Express yourself with the correct terminology. Understand financial information and have a comprehensive view of the procedures applied in financial management and decision-making.

Classical and alternative teaching methods are used in the subject. Motivational methods are: interview / storytelling, problem-solving, exchange of views, case studies with practical examples, self-assessment of students. Exposure and fixation methods are classical and interactive lecture, interpretation, repetition, consolidation and rehearsal of the curriculum, discussion at exercises, written repetition (test, paper). The teaching methods in the exercises are focused on the acquisition, support and development of skills and competencies. They are supplemented by methods of independent student work (self-study, independent solution of similar case studies, examples).
Brief course content:
1. L: Nature and types of financial control.
E: Methods and techniques of control work. Causes and reasons for the existence of control. Comparison of understanding of control in the past and in the current understanding.
2. L: Financial control and financial management.
E: Basic concepts in control.
3. L: Basic financial control.
E: Documents used in the performance of basic financial control, practical application.
4. L: Administrative financial control.
E: Documents used in the performance of administrative financial control, practical application procedure.
5. L: Financial control on the spot.
E: Documents used in the performance of financial control on the spot, practical application procedure.
6. L: Practical ex post financial control procedure.
E: Documents used in the ex post financial control, practical application procedure.
7. L: Practical ex post financial control procedure.
E: Documents used in the ex post financial control, practical application procedure.
8. L: Internal audit, government audit.
E: Definition of the legislative area, basic objectives and audit tasks).
9. L: Internal audit, external audit.
E: Definition of the legislative area, basic objectives and audit tasks).
10. L: Public administration control system and control bodies.
E: Structure of bodies and organizations operating in the control system of the Slovak Republic.
11. L: Public administration budget, budgetary rules of territorial self-government.
E: Budget VS - practical examples.
12. L. Management of budgetary organizations, contributory organizations.
E: Written test.
13. L: Modern approaches to the management and control of public expenditure. INTOSAI Control Standards, European Implementing Guidelines for INTOSAI Control Standards.
Recommended Reference Sources:
1. study material in Moodle
2. INTOSAI standards
Recommended optional program components:
An alternative way of obtaining a part of the allocated point evaluation is the elaboration of individual works from assignments, case studies, complex accounting examples and their presentation.
Languages required for the course completion:
Course assessment:
Total number of students assessed: 19
  A B C D E FX  
  0% 11% 5% 16% 0% 68%  
Ing. Lenka Hudáková Stašová, PhD.
Last modified: 31.08.2023
Approved by: person(s) responsible for the study program